Mary Frances Evans Howard - Family Tree

Mother-   Rosa Bullock
StepFather - Robert Evans
Father - James Hargrove (Bubba) his Dad was white and mother was Black

Rosa Bullock (mother) family history:
Mother: Laura Fleming
Dad: William Bullock
Brothers and Sisters oldest to youngest::  Dolly, William, Thomas, Nathan, Afer, Debie,
Bessie, Rosa, Eliza

James Hargrove (father) history:
Half sister: Annie Laurie Champison now 70 years born in 1936.

James moved to North Jersey where he married and had 2 daughters and a son. His son is
deceased. Its believes one daughter moved to Florida and the other one is still in North
Jersey, maybe in Newark...

No info on Robert Evans (stepfather)

Eliza has one son named Latimer living -

Eveline who gave us this info is the daughter of Bessie.
Evelyn Brame (dob: 06/17/34)

The picture Scotty took a close up of is William Bullock, mommy's uncle..  

Dad's Mother and Father was Melvin Howard & Clover Cooper- Clovers died in 1978

Dads Grandparents were Elijah Howard and Florence (???)
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